The Coronavirus Pandemic and Your Business: How We Can Help - Guidance for Healthcare Providers

Client Alert

Gibbons Special Alert

March 19, 2020

Physicians, hospitals, nurses, labs, respiratory therapists, hospital administrators, staff – are all front-line defenders against COVID-19. As hospitals and physician practices face this health crisis, knowledge and guidance are critical and available. Federal, state, and local government agencies have issued a range of guidance for providers on the front lines. The CDC has issued guidance on clinical care management for patients with confirmed COVID-19 disease, disposition of hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19, protection of healthcare providers, and infection control, among other critical scenarios; CMS has introduced new codes for coronavirus lab tests, broadened its coverage of tele-medicine, and issued guidance for protective masks, among its many actions and professional guidance; and the New Jersey Department of Health has issued specific guidance for providers pertaining to surveillance criteria and testing for COVID-19 and infection control, among that Department’s numerous communications and guidance directed at healthcare providers regarding COVID-19.

For front-line providers, having knowledge of, let alone adhering to, rapidly changing governmental guidance is extremely difficult under these circumstances. Gibbons healthcare attorneys are highly adept and experienced at identifying governmental regulations and sub-regulatory guidance that relate to your healthcare business. When this virus ultimately becomes history, actions taken by healthcare providers today will undoubtedly be subject to study and scrutiny. Gibbons attorneys can help you navigate standards of care and governmental guidance being issued right now, while you are busy devoting your professional lives to your patients.

For more information about current regulatory and sub-regulatory guidance issued by Federal and state agencies, contact Barry Liss, Co-Leader of the Gibbons Healthcare Team.

More in the “Coronavirus and Your Business” Series: