Speaker, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education Webcast, "2022 Trial Advocacy Summer Institute"


July 14, 2022 | 2:00 PM - July 14, 2022 | 4:00 PM EST

This 2-day intensive Institute will combine a series of lectures and demonstrations designed to sharpen your skills in NINE key aspects of civil and criminal trial practice – Rule 104 hearings, Jury Selection and trial themes, Opening Statements, Direct Examination and Cross-Examination of Lay Witnesses, Direct and Cross Examination of Expert Witnesses, Trial Ethics, Criminal Trial Issues, Utilizing Video Deposition and Demonstrative Exhibits at Trial, and Summation. Plus, a special luncheon presentation each day! Attending the program presents a unique opportunity to benefit from the courtroom experience of some of New Jersey’s top trial lawyers. What you learn in just two days can give you the competitive advantage in your next case.

About the Faculty
Your instructors are recognized as Fellows of the American College of Trial Lawyers & many are also Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as Civil or Criminal Trial Attorneys. If you’re committed to improving your trial skills, you’ll be learning from the best!