Speaker, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, "Advanced Topics in Zoning XIII: Lessons Learned"


February 23, 2024 | 12:00 PM - February 23, 2024 | 2:00 PM EST

In this edition of the “Advanced Topics” series, a group of experienced zoning practitioners – from across the land use ‘spectrum’ (applicants’ attorneys; board attorneys; in-house) – will talk about what they’ve learned over the years: land use practice, procedures, policy, practice, family management, the politics of development, and what it takes to keep clients happy. Perhaps a war story or two!

We hope for some valuable insights and an entertaining two hours. Register today!

Topics to be included:

  • Notice pitfalls and how to avoid them;
  • How to juggle family life and law firm management with night work;
  • How to handle difficult board attorneys;
  • Difficult boards – from both the applicant and board attorney side;
  • Career challenges/career management – being out at night and then working the next day;
  • Last minute review letters;
  • Difficulty answering the epic question from a prospective client: “how long will this take and how much will it cost?”;
  • How land use practice has changed over the years;
  • What’s on the horizon for the New Jersey land use lawyer;
  • Challenges/opportunities in taking a land use matter on a flat fee basis;
  • How to plan a vacation and not disappoint the client; and
  • From the perspective of the in-house lawyer/developer.