Speaker, Gibbons P.C., "“Keys to Negotiating Better Software & Software-as-a-Service Agreements”


Spring 2019 - present (annual presentation)

Featuring: Peter J. Frazza

Each spring, Mr. Frazza leads a 2.5-day seminar analyzing the negotiation of software licenses and software-as-a-service agreements, including data protection and privacy issues companies face that are specific to software transactions, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Additional topics of discussion include:

  • The effects of virtualization and cloud computing on software licensing
  • The IoT’s impact on SaaS and device-based software pricing
  • Hidden traps in vendor form license agreements
  • Advantages of using your own form contracts in negotiations
  • Ways to negotiate agreements that will not come back to haunt you
  • Conflict avoidance and litigation scenarios
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on licensing
  • Hidden prohibitions on certain uses, including outsourcing, integration, and development
  • Software licenses and software-as-a-service agreements and their legal background
  • RFP and RFI negotiations
  • Software licensing audits
  • Ways to minimize your risks and maximize your rights
  • Business Associate Agreements

The seminar is designed for:

  • Chief Information Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Contract Negotiators
  • In-House Counsel
  • IT/IS/MIS Managers
  • Contract Managers
  • Contract Administrators
  • Purchasing/Procurement Agents
  • Consultants