Speaker, Gibbons Eighth Annual E-Discovery Conference, "Brave New World - Mobile Devices, Apps, and E-Discovery," Florham Park, NJ
December 5, 2014 | 11:15 AM - December 5, 2014 | 12:15 PM EST
The proliferation of mobile devices and cloud-based apps in the workplace raise concerns for e-discovery, particularly relating to processing and the cost of data retrieval. While companies may be able to access some of the resulting data via their servers, it is now common for most, if not all, of the data to reside with third-party cloud vendors. These issues are further complicated by employee-owned devices, new technologies generating geo-location data, and industry-specific devices for automobiles, among others. This panel will discuss the brave new world of technology, and the important role e-discovery will continue to play as case law evolves to meet these challenges.