Moderator, New Jersey State Bar Association Webinar, "The NJSBA Celebrates 100 Years of the 19th Amendment and the Role Lawyers Play in Elections"


August 18, 2020 | 5:00 PM - August 18, 2020 | 6:30 PM EST

Featuring: Susan L. NardoneLucienne BeardLisa C. ChaplandEmily KelchenWilliam J. PalatucciKimberly A. Yonta

100 years ago this August, the 19th Amendment was ratified expanding America’s electorate by millions when women were allowed to vote. It was a 72-year battle to make it happen and New Jersey and suffragists like Alice Paul were integral to its final passage. This panel discussion will focus on the history of the 19th Amendment and the role women play today in the electoral process. Given that this fall marks a presidential election, a panel of experts will also share practical tips about the many important roles lawyers can play in an election — from a partisan and non-partisan standpoint.